How can we help you?
Here at G Physiques In the past year alone we have helped our clients achieve.
An Average weight loss of between 7,1kg and 11,1kg in just 6 short weeks.
Lean Muscle gains of between 5,3kg and 12,2kg pure muscle mass.
1 Client successfully reach Everest Base Camp.
And personally taken 5 of our clients to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Personal training has become a very rapid growing industry with more and more people realising that a great trainer can take them to the next level and get them the results they are looking for. My name is Grant Hall my wife Vivian and I have been running our own studio for the past 13 years, helping 1000’s of people just like you achieve their goals. We are very result driven and we know that your goals are extremely important to you and we take them very seriously. It's time to make your goals a reality CLICK HERE to drop us an email and we can get you started. Alternatively download my short E-Book for all the details about what we do.

Do Something
That Your Future
Self Will
Thank You

Are you Happy at your current Gym but want to take your body and training to the next level?
I can Help.
Contact me to arrange a full body assessment and I will help you achieve your goals by providing you with.
Detailed health and goals analysis.
Full body assessment - Weight, Centimeter and body fat measurements.
A Goal specific eating plan and supplement advice.
Goal specific training program in home or in gym.
Diets and Training Programs